Preparation of Ksharsutra
Preparation of Kshar-Sutra is no doubt, a lengthy and difficult task and the collection and preparation of required drugs is still more cumbersome.
A number of different drugs are used in various combinations for the preparation of the Kshar-Sutra. The ksheer (latex) generally used are of Snuhi, Ark, Arendakarkataki, Udumbar etc. The Ksharas used are Apamarg Kshar, Ark Kshar, Kadali Kshar etc. We have here used the following drugs.
Drugs Required
• Snuhi Ksheer
- Snuhi Ksheer (Milk of stem of Euphorbia nerllifolia)
- Apamarg kshara (Extract of Acyranthus aspera)
• Thread,-Linen Barbour No.-20.
- Surgical linen Barbour brand size 20
Any cotton / linen thread of good strength can be used for Kshar-Sutra. In our practice, we generally use Barbour Linen No. 30 and 20. No. 30 is finer compared to No. 20. The tensile strength of No. 20 is reduced to the least extent in comparison to other threads after the complete procedure and hence it is this thread which is usually preferred in the manufacture of Kshar-sutras. The thread is tightly wound around opposite hooks to form rows.
The thread is given 21 coatings out of which the first 10 coating are given only the fresh Snuhi Ksheer. The next 7 with Snuhi Ksheer and Apamarg Kshar and the last 4 with Snuhi Ksheer and Haridra.
A piece of gauze is taken and folded into a small square. It is then dipped in the fresh Snuhi Ksheer (latex of Euphorbia neriifolia) and the thread is coated (i.e. a Bhavna is given) with the ksheer from down upwards. When all the threads are coated in this manner, the frame is kept to dry in a specially made chamber. The second coating (Bhavna) is given only when the first one dries. The thread is coated 10 times in this way; one after the other after the previous coating of the ksheer dries completely. The frames are placed in a special chamber for drying. The temperature inside the chamber may be increased by passing hot dry air with the help of a fan. The air inside the chamber should be kept circulating to facilitate quicker drying of the threads. The process of drying is best performed when the level of Humidity is lower.
- Coating of thread with Snuhi ksheer and kshara
The last four coats are to be given with Snuhi ksheer and Haridra. This is done in the same way as the previous 7 coats substituting Haridra powder in place of Apamarg Kshar. While applying every coat, care should be taken that the drug spreads evenly on all the sides of the thread and does not aggregate at one spot to make a knot like appearance. The thread should be smooth and even, having the same thickness through out the length. Care should be taken to carry out the procedure in a dry atmosphere. A specially prepared chamber is used for drying the threads so that it can be dried in a dust free atmosphere. In the absence of a chamber the threads may be dried in the open under direct sun rays in a dry and dust free atmosphere. After we finish coating the threads 21 times and they are totally dry the threads are cut to size and then packed in capillary like glass test tubes. These tubes are cut to size, cleaned, dried, and sterilized. One or two threads are packed in each tube. The tube is packed/ sealed over a burner so that the Kshar-Sutra in it remains dry and sterile. These tubes are sent for Gama radiation after being packed & sealed. The tube is broken and the Kshar-Sutra removed for use when required.
Before going into the details of the collection and preparation the drugs required, I would like to mention here that though the most widely used Kshar-Sutra are prepared from Snuhi ksheer and Apamarg Kshar and Haridra, we can make a variety of different Kshar-sutra from a combination of ksheer from different ksheeri vrikshas i.e. latex of different trees like Udumber ksheer, Arka ksheer, Aerandkarkati ksheer and Ksharas like Ark Kshar, Kadli Kshar, Nimb Kshar etc.
Collection and preparation of the drugs required in the preparation of Kshar sutra
Collection of Snuhi Ksheer (Latex of Euphorbia neriifolia)
The ksheer from Snuhi is collected best, early in the morning, before sunrise. If collection of ksheer is tried after sunrise, we can get just a few drops of ksheer from a Snuhi branch. With the help of a scalpel, we slit the Snuhi branch vertically from down upwards (5mm deep) keeping a collection jar under the slit. As soon as the cut is made, a milky substance (ksheer) starts dripping down. This ksheer is collected in the jar. The amount to be collected depends upon the threads to be coated. After collection the ksheer, jar is to be packed so that no air enters it because ksheer if kept in contact with air, starts to coagulate and turns into a chewing-gum like sticky semisolid substance. Before coating the threads, the ksheer is to be strained from a wire strainer or with the help of a double folded gauze piece. The ksheer is now ready for use. Snuhiksheer should be always used fresh.
Method of preparing Apamarg Kshar (Water soluble extract of the ash of Achyranthus aspera)
- Acyranthus aspera (Apamarga) plant
- Burning of Apamarga whole plant into ashes
- Ash dissolved in water and water filtered
- Filtered liquid boiled
- Kshara finely grinded and ready to use
Preparation of Haridra Powder
Curcuma longa
- Dried rhizomes of Haridra plant
With the picking up of the Kshar-sutra mode of treatment in Ano-rectal diseases, the requirement and demand for good quality standardized Kshar-sutra is inevitably going to increase and hence Kshar-sutra manufacturing and marketing on both large scale as well as small scale though quite difficult and cumbersome may be a rewarding project.
- Ready to use Kshara sutra packed and sealed in a tube
• The procedure does not require hospitalization for more than 3 to 4 hours.
• The patient requires no bed rest & can resume his/her daily routine within 6 to 12 hours.
• The procedure leaves just a pencil scar at the site.
• Freedom from painful dressings.
• There are no chances of incontinence and the recurrence rate which is usually found to be quite high after Fistulectomy is less than 2% with Kshar - Sutra treatment. This is because the medicines on the thread gradually and continuously curate the pyogenic membrane and fibrous tissue and thus leave no pus pockets undrained
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