आयुर्वेद मतानुसार स्वास्थ्य
समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)
Samadosha, samagnischa,Samadhatumalkriyah !
Prasannatmendriyamanah,Swastha iti abhidhiyate !!
(Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10) According to ancient Ayurvedist Sushruta;
An individual/person who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s;
Doshas (humors),
Agni (digestive fire),
Dhatus (tissues),
Malah kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual.
This definition of Health closely resembles to that given by World Health Organization (WHO). Thus Ayurveda has said thousands of years ago what WHO (World Health Organization) admits today.
Ayurveda has emphasized all parameters like; anatomical, physiological, mental and spiritual well being. Means Ayurveda says the person is healthy who’s body, mind and soul are in normal state and all physiological actions are proper, not the person who is physically healthy but mentally and spiritually not in proper state.
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