Thursday, January 31, 2013

Quacks flourishing in the Ayurveda world in India

Khandaani Dawakhana. Practicing Ayurvedic medicine in open tent by unqualified quacks!!!

Quacks flourishing in the Ayurveda world in India!
India has a great legacy of knowledge since the time immortal. Whether it’s Science or Mathematics or Geometry or Astrology, Ancient Indian scientists have gifted a rich ocean of knowledge to the world which has become a stepping stone for the further researches and developments and immensely helped the mankind in civilization and social and technological development.
Ayurveda, the oldest form of Medical science, has been originated, flourished and grown further in ancient India. It is said that Lord Bhrama (The creater of the life according to Hindu mythology) has recalled Ayurveda and passed the knowledge on the earth for elimination of diseases and sufferings of people.  But after the invasion of Mughals and thereafter British, who brought the Western Medicine or Allopathy, the propagation and social status of Ayurveda declined mainly because of ignorance by the governments. But Ayurveda still maintained its existence by many traditional Vaidyas and their next generations and many people and leaders like Gandhiji loved it.
India became independent in 1947. It was felt the need of hour to give Ayurveda its previous honour. So, many steps were taken to develop Ayurveda therapies and to propagate them for maintaining the health and curing the diseases of people. Many institutions opened, Ayurveda courses like Bachlor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), and PG courses like MD/MS (AY) have been started standardized, Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) were formed and many other such steps of improvements were taken by the government.
But unfortunately this science has been defamed and exploited by many unqualified people, who at many times are illiterate but they flourish and pretend to be Doctors or ‘Vaidyas’ (Physicians)  and misguide the people by prefixing ‘Dr.’ or ‘Vaidya’ before their names and suffixing the degrees like BAMS or MD at their clinic/dispenseries’ sign board. They are found everywhere in India, running their clinics in big cities like Delhi, Mumbai etc. as well as in villages and small towns and even many times at roads by the name ‘khandaani dawakhaana’ and earning lacs of money by cheating the people.
In my opinion the most probable reasons for flourishing of such quacks are;
  • Lack of going towards Ayurveda practice in qualified BAMS doctors due to their natural inclination towards western medicine (Allopath) and insufficient knowledge of Ayurveda which itself is due to lack of quality education in Ayurveda institutions. This ultimately lowers the confidence of a fresh graduate to start Ayurveda practice.
  • The government’s inability to stop such practitioners due to corruption in the system.
  • Lack of adequate knowledge and awareness among the people (common men) – I have seen that many people don’t know that what is the qualification/degree of a registered Ayurveda Physician? The degree of BAMS has a social status inferior to their allopathic counterpart i.e. MBBS though the Government has given equal status to both courses.
The possible solutions:
  • There must be improvement in our education system
  • Senior qualified practitioners should encourage young graduates to start practising in Ayurveda, they should share their knowledge and experiences.
  • Ayurveda people have to create their demand within the society. This is possible when people of all classes of society should be provided direct health benefits in a convenient and cost-effective manner.
  • Ayurveda doctors and government should create awareness among the public regarding the importance of getting treatment by a qualified doctor.
  • Government must have to be strict in inhibiting unqualified medical practitioners. Strong punishment should be given after arresting them.
  • Responsibilities of CCIM should be more clearly defined.
  • Strict action against corrupt officials and employees must be taken.
  •  Use of tools like RTI effectively by various organizations of Ayurveda doctors and at individual level too and maintaining the data properly.
Thus India can be free from such unqualified practitioners and quacks, at least partially, if not fully; all we have to do is to become a little aware and make the people around us aware and act in a positive way. Jai Ayurveda !
Consultant Ayurveda Physician & Proctologist,
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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ano-rectal diseases; an introduction and treatment approach as per Ayurveda

Ano-rectal diseases; an introduction and treatment approach as per Ayurveda
Ano-rectal disorders are progressively increasing in the society. Few important causes out of a number of them are; sedentary life style, irregular and inappropriate diet, prolonged sitting and/or standing and psychological disturbances like anxiety, depression etc. Ano-rectal problems coupled with psychological manifestations are the causes, inter-related to each other. As per Ayurveda, these above mentioned causes result in derangement of ‘Jatharagni’ (the digestive power) which leads to constipation and other associated symptoms. Constipation leads to generation of hard stool (fecolith) which when expelled leads to trauma in anal canal and ultimately generates Anal fissure. Constipation increases the back pressure onto haemorrhoidal vessels to produce Piles/Haemorrhoids. Crypto-glandular infection leads to ano-rectal abscess and Fistula-in-ano. Thus constipation seems to be the very important cause for most of these disorders. The fast food culture has again worsen the condition as these foods are devoid of dietary fibres.
These disorders are utterly embarrassing to the patient. The peri-anal skin is one of the most pain sensitive region in the body due to rich nerve endings. So, even a mild form of disorder can produce great discomfort to the patient. It has been observed that in the initial stages of the disease, most of the patients avoid consulting to the physician and explaining their problem particularly because they feel ashamed. They try to prevaricate it. This tendency is still more in females. This ultimately leads to manifold increment in their problem and the disease. When they visit to doctor for consultation, they are too mentally disturbed to lose the interest in life. They become very much anxious, many go in depression and few of them even try to attempt suicide.
Among the list of ano-rectal disorders, following are commonly seen;
  • Piles (Haemorrhoids)
  • Fissure-in-ano (Anal fissure)
  • Fistula-in-ano (Anal fistula)
  • Ano-rectal abscess
Ancient and modern physicians equally consider these conditions as difficult to cure. Moreover, among these three disorders, Fistula-in-ano is the most notorious one to tackle and cure. Results of surgery (fistulectomy) seem to be embarrassing as there is high recurrence in most of the cases even after complete excision of the track and meticulous post-operative dressings. There is a proverb often used by modern surgeons about this disease that “If you have enmity to a doctor, refer him a patient of Fistula-in-ano and it will never heal”.
The treatment of these disorders especially Fistula has been revolutionized after the availability of kshara sutra. Kshara sutra therapy has been scientifically standardized at BHU, Varanasi by Prof. P. J. Deshpandey and his team of co-workers.
Besides Kshara sutra, Ayurveda has a rich source of herbs based formulations mentioned in Classics, which can be effectively used to correct the gastrointestinal disturbances (disturbed agni) and  provide relief to such patient to a great extent. Moreover, the prevention from these diseases can be achieved if a person follows ayurvedic life-style and dietary regime.
Thus, proctology has been emerging as a highly specialized branch of Ayurveda since about last three decades and people are turning their faith towards Ayurveda to resolve their problems. Thus, in the interest of public, this science of healing should be propagated more and more so people can have a better health through Ayurveda.
Consultant Ayurveda Physician & Proctologist,
If you have any query, you may post your comment or e-mail the author at:
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  • It is a simple, safe and sure treatment for fistula –in-ano (95-98% success rate)
  •  Ksharsutra is – chemical fistulectomy rather than surgical fistulectomy.
  •  It is a simple minimum invasive surgical technique.
  • Recurrence is negligible (3-5%).
  • Performed in Minor O.T. conditions.
  •  No damage to anal sphincter and chances of incontinence is practically nil.
  • It is an Ambulatory procedure, no hospitalization required.
  • Only local/topical anesthesia required (generally). However sometimes no anesthesia at all is required.
  •  Usually no antibiotic coverage required.
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The concept of Health as per Ayurveda, आयुर्वेद मतानुसार स्वास्थ्य

The concept of Health as per Ayurved 
आयुर्वेद मतानुसार स्वास्थ्य
समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनः स्वस्थइतिअभिधीयते॥ (सुश्रुत संहिता सूत्रस्थान १५/१०)
Samadosha, samagnischa,Samadhatumalkriyah !
Prasannatmendriyamanah,Swastha iti abhidhiyate !!
(Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10) According to ancient Ayurvedist Sushruta;
An individual/person who is in a state of equilibrium of body’s;
Doshas (humors),
Agni (digestive fire),
Dhatus (tissues),
Malah kriya (Physiological functions of excretions etc.) and whose Aatma (soul), Indriya (senses) and Mana (Mind); all are happy, is considered as a Healthy individual.
This definition of Health closely resembles to that given by World Health Organization (WHO). Thus Ayurveda has said thousands of years ago what WHO (World Health Organization) admits today.
Ayurveda has emphasized all parameters like; anatomical,  physiological, mental and spiritual well being. Means Ayurveda says the person is healthy who’s  body, mind and soul are in normal state and all physiological actions are proper, not the person who is physically healthy but mentally and spiritually not in proper state.

बवासीर (पाईल्स); कारण, बचाव एवं आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा

A case of 2nd degree Piles/ Hemorrhoids

बवासीर (पाईल्स); कारण, बचाव एवं आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा

बवासीर गुदा (मलद्वार) में होने वाली एक सामान्य बीमारी है, जिसमें मलत्याग के समय रक्तस्राव तथा मस्से फूलने की समस्या होती है. इसे पाईल्स या हेमोराइड्स भी कहते हैं। आयुर्वेद में इसे अर्श कहते हैं। यह बीमारी स्त्रियों की अपेक्षा पुरुषों में कुछ ज्यादा होती है।
प्रमुख कारणः बवासीर का प्रमुख कारण पेट की खराबी  व पाचन तन्त्र का कमजोर होना है। इसके अतिरिक्त कारण निम्न हैं ;
  • लम्बे समय तक कब्ज रहना
  • मलत्याग के समय जोर लगाना
  • टॉयलेट में काफी देर तक बैठना
  • हेरिडिटि (वन्शानुगत कारण)
  • अतिसार (दस्त)
प्रमुख लक्षणः
  • मलत्याग के समय रक्तस्राव - सामान्यतः ताजा रक्त बूंदों या धार के रूप में निकलता है, जो दर्द रहित होता है। परन्तु जब बवासीर के साथ फिशर (गुद्चीर) भी होता है, तो रक्तस्राव के साथ दर्द भी हो सकता है।
  • मलत्याग के समय मस्सों का बाहर निकलना - रोगी जब टॉयलेट में बैठकर जोर लगाता है, तो मस्से बाहर आ जाते हैं व जब जोर हटाता है तो मस्से अन्दर चले जाते हैं। कभी कभी जब बवासीर पुरानी हो जाती है तो मस्सों को अन्दर करने के लिये उंगली का सहारा देना पड्ता है।
  • म्यूकस का निकलना - कभी कभी मस्सों के स्थान पर श्लैष्मिक द्रव का स्राव भी हो सकता है।
बचाव के उपायः
  • भोजन सम्बन्धी आदतों में  बदलाव – रेशेदार सब्जियों, सलाद व फलों का नित्य सेवन करें, तेज मिर्च, मसालों का प्रयोग ना करें। पानी ४-६ लीटर प्रतिदिन पियें। चाय, कॉफी का कम प्रयोग करें। इससे पेट ठीक रहेगा व कब्ज नहीं होगी।
  • मलत्याग के समय ज्यादा जोर ना लगायें।
  • यदि कब्ज हो तो रात में दूध के साथ मुनक्का व १-२ चम्मच इसबगोल की भूसी लें।
  • यदि कोई समस्या हो तो किसी क्वालीफाईड आयुर्वेद फिजीशियन या क्षारसूत्र विशेषज्ञ से मिलकर सलाह अवश्य लें।
आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्साः बवासीर की शुरुआती अवस्था में जब केवल रक्तस्राव होता है तो क्वालीफाईड आयुर्वेद फिजीशियन की सलाह से आयुर्वेदिक औषधियों के प्रयोग द्वारा काफी आराम मिल सकता है तथा बीमारी को आगे बढ्ने से रोका जा सकता है। जब बीमारी ज्यादा बढ जाती है तो क्षारसूत्र चिकित्सा से मस्सों को निकाल दिया जाता है। इससे बीमारी से स्थायी रूप से छुटकारा मिल जाता है। यह विधि सर्जरी की अन्य विधियों की अपेक्षा आसान व अधिक कारगर है।
लेखकः डॉ० नवीन चौहान
आयुर्वेद फिजीशियन व क्षारसूत्र विशेषज्ञ
श्री धन्वन्तरि क्लीनिक, गाजियाबाद (उ० प्र०)

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